Sunday, December 8, 2019

Goodby Blogger, Hello Medium

I've had many twists and turns, pivots, sprints, crashes and burns in my career in tech - it remains a wild ride and an amazing profession.

It's given me a chance to speak, write and build. You can find a fairly comprehensive but incomplete anthology of my publications and speaking engagements here, on Medium, and today I've given myself the gift of a Medium publication called 'Technowoman' that will be the home for future adventures.

Since not everyone in my circle of family and friends can afford a subscription to Medium, I've published family and friends links here for those who would like to read about my ongoing adventures - the saga continues!

Those of you who have worked with me might remember me as the 'queen of TL;DR'; you wouldn't be surprised to hear that there's quite a bit more where this all came from.  I'll try to keep this up to date, and if you see something new pop up on the Technowoman publication in Medium, and you'd like a family and friends link, ping me anytime!